It’s WORLD BOOK DAY next week!
Research carried out during World Book Day 2024 showed that many children see reading as something they have to do, rather than something they choose to do. This simply isn’t the approach we want to take at Anson. We believe reading should be fun, engaging and be led by the choices of the children.
The 2025 “Read Your Way” campaign encourages
everyone to let go of reading pressures and expectations and empowers children and
young people to have fun discovering reading on their own terms.
It’s exactly the way we feel at Anson when it comes to developing a love of reading.
As parents you should know that children are more likely to love reading if:
1. Someone reads to them regularly.
2. They find time to read.
3. They have books at home and at school.
4. They know a trusted person who can help them find the right books.
5. We all make reading fun for them.
6, They are given a choice in what they read.
On Thursday we will be sharing ways to encourage children to read in a special assembly and we will be dressing up as a staff to try and inspire every children to love the magical and inspiring and entertaining world of books!
What's On
On Thursday we will be celebrating with a special assembly celebrating the Read Your Way campaign.
Children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character or carrying a prop related to their character. They could even wear a mask.
We encourage all parents to remember that you do not need to purchase any costumes, but use what you have around the home to give a nod to a book or comic.
In the assembly we will be sharing a special poem written especially for Anson’s World Book Day celebrations, having a costume parade and revealing some great photographs too.
In addition, the books above are all available at supermarkets and bookshops and can be purchased with a World Book Day token which will be handed out to all the children.
There are a range of books spanning early readers all the way through to independent book lovers.
Whatever you want to read, this World Book Day is all about learning to love reading!
Travel at Anson
On Friday we hosted a Coffee Morning with guests from Transport for London and Brent Council.
The aim of the session was to try and begin to work on an active Travel Plan for the children and families of Anson Primary School. At the meeting several parents raised some of the issues we face in the local area. These covered a huge range of problems including:
In order for us to work as a community and get people at TfL and Brent to support any changes for the community, we need active voices to come together. As a community we can have more impact.For example, together we could:
You know the local area better than anyone. What are the key issues of transport, travel and pedestrian access in your eyes?
We have created a Google Form for you to share your thoughts here:
The Big Dig
On Saturday 29th March Mr Clargo needs you!
As part of our plans to develop an area of our school for planting and growing food we need an army of green fingered volunteers, complete with shovels, to help us prepare the land! So far we have 4 volunteers and we are very grateful.
Please use the link sent to your phones to join the team for the Big Dig Day.
Family Fun Run
Friends of Anson are planning a Family Fun Run to raise money for the children of Anson.
At this stage we are asking for our families to save the date. Hopefully, the fun run will take place on Sunday 11th May 2025 at Gladstone Park. We are just going through risk assessments and planning at this stage but would like as many families to be involved as possible.
HAF Programme
We are looking for Anson to join the Holiday and Food Programme to provide childcare in the school holiday.
On Friday we sent a text message to all parents to gather your thoughts on the viability of running a club in the first week of the Easter holiday. Please share your thoughts.
Jumble Sale
The Friends of Anson Jumble Sale has been cancelled due to a lack of interest.
Please look out for further events in the future.
After the Half Term holiday we will be making changes to the start of the day procedures.
Currently the gates open at around 8:40am with children expected to wait on the playground with their parent until the bell rings.
The idea of this was to reduce congestion on the street and ensure that children were safely in the playground with an adult until the bell rang.
Unfortunately we have seen a growing number of incidents with children falling, tripping or bumping into each other during this period of the morning.
These incidents have revealed that, in some cases, parents have not been on site with their child. In monitoring the playground during the last two weeks we have seen growing numbers of children being dropped off at the school gate by parents leaving many children unaccompanied.
We are unable to staff the playground adequately before school as we are busy preparing the classrooms for learning and the school for the children.
Therefore, after Half Term, the school gate will open at 8:45am and children will head straight into the classroom. This will ensure every child is safe and monitored from their arrival at school.
Please remember that all children must be in class by 9:00am and so the gate will close promptly as soon as it reaches 9:00am.
Any parents still in the playground will be released through the school building.
In order to minimise crowding around the school gate we would advise that families spread themselves around surrounding side streets until the gate is opened at 8:45am.
The final week of the first half of the Spring Term has been one filled with huge amounts of love!
This is partly because Valentines Day fell on the last day of the week but also because Alexandra Class celebrated the power of love on the Anson stage.
In their assembly the worlds of DC Comics and Marvel collided. The two organisations were clearly miles apart. The superheroes of DC like to wear capes and have magical powers. The heroes of Marvel have different abilities and seem to argue a lot.
However, they have similar aims and visions and the assembly showed how we can overcome of differences to make a difference. In the assembly it was love that brought the two sides together with with both sides finally realising that teamwork and collaboration were important which resulted in them eventually defeating the devil herself (with the power of dance also involved). Let’s take that love with us as we take a week away from school.
We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 24th February
Following the nomination process for the election of parents to the Governing Body of Anson I am delighted to inform you of the results.
As there were three nominations and three vacancies, all three nominees have been appointed to the Governing Body without the need for a vote to take place.
The new Parent Governors, for the next four years, are Ms. Z. Bukhari, Mrs. L. Mailer and Mrs. M. Doria.
They begin their posts with immediate effect and I thank them for their commitment to our school.
The Friends of Anson Jumble Sale will take place on Saturday, 8th March in the Anson playground from 2pm to 4pm.
The whole community is welcome to come along on the day to enjoy the atmosphere and search for bargains.
Stalls will be run by parents of pupils at Anson. If you would like to run a stall it will cost £10 per table.
You should email Friends of Anson to book your slot using:
Refreshments will be available on the day.
On Saturday 29th March Mr Clargo needs you!
As part of our plans to develop an area of our school for planting and growing food we need an army of green fingered volunteers, complete with shovels, to help us prepare the land! So far we have 4 volunteers and we are very grateful.
Please use the link sent to your phones to join the team for the Big Dig Day.
In association with Southwark Council we are supporting Fizz Free Feb.
This means encouraging children and adults to go fizz free and cut down on sugar consumption. Give it a go.
Friends of Anson are planning a Family Fun Run to raise money for the children of Anson.
At this stage we are asking for our families to save the date. Hopefully, the fun run will take place on Sunday 11th May 2025 at Gladstone Park. We are just going through risk assessments and planning at this stage but would like as many families to be involved as possible.
On Wednesday 26th February, Year 1 take over the Bake Sale.
Parents in Year 1 will be baking delicious treats for the sale and then the whole community can come together to purchase the treats. £100 from every sale goes towards our school library.
The final Film Club Five podcast of this Half Term features Jessica, Jaydah and Hyusein talking about The Bad Guys.
The podcast features a Top Ten of storybook wolves, a Bad Guys quiz and the usual awful jokes.
The Friends of Anson Masked Disco takes place next Friday.
The children will be working on their masks in school so that every child has a mask even if they are not able to attend. This way every pupil will feel part of the fun in some way.
For those coming to the Masked Disco they will receive a physical ticket to make the event even more special and this will also let the Friends of Anson team know about any specific dietary requirements. This is a non-parent event so you can spend the extra hour having a cup of tea with friends.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will go straight to the event at the end of the school day. You can pick them up at 4:30pm.
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will go home and come back to school for a 5:00pm disco.
Tickets cost £3.50 and are available on the School Gateway app and we hope to see lots of children there.
Children’s Mental Health week has been a wonderful way of putting the children in touch with their feelings and exploring how we all react to situations.
We began the week with a game-show style assembly exploring the film characters from Inside Out, with particular reference to sadness, fear, anger, disgust and joy. It was a fun way to begin the week.
This week also saw Mapesbury take to the stage in a unique version of The Worst Princess. It was a wonderful retelling of the story and reminded us all that being happy is more important than fitting in to stereotypes.
The week has also seen us begin to examine our progress on sustainability at the school.
As you may be aware, we are part of the Our Schools, Our World programme and this week we met with the leaders of the programme to see what changes we could make in the school to improve our provision. One of the first areas of change will be our waste management, with increased recycling points and much clearer systems inside and outside the school.
Over the next few months there will be some visible changes to the school which will showcase the idea that rather than taking a doom-laden view of climate change we can show the positive action that will make a difference to all the children.
Next week is Online Safety Day and the Digital Leaders will be releasing a special video for you to enjoy.
The Governing Body of Anson Primary School have published their information booklet for nominations.
The Governing Body of Anson Primary School is responsible for overseeing how the school is managed. They are a critical friend that play a role in strategic decisions such as our vision, policies, budgeting and staffing.
If you are interested in putting yourself forward, please fill out the form on the newsletter page and email your nomination to by Thursday 13th February.
The Friends of Anson Jumble Sale will take place on Saturday, 8th March in the Anson playground from 2pm to 4pm.
The whole community is welcome to come along on the day to enjoy the atmosphere and search for bargains.
Stalls will be run by parents of pupils at Anson. If you would like to run a stall it will cost £10 per table.
You should email Friends of Anson to book your slot using:
Refreshments will be available on the day.
The American School in London is hosting the 2025 Parent Summit for African Caribbean heritage families.
The summit is for those families at Anson interested in exploring the 11+ to access Independent & Grammar schools in the future. The event is free to attend and runs from 9:30am to 4:45pm.
Friends of Anson are planning an exciting quiz night for later this term.
You will be able to win prizes, if your knowledge is up to scratch. Regardless, it will be a fun night for all the family with questions written by one of the question writers on The Chase.
So, watch this space for more details - coming soon!
On Saturday 29th March Mr Clargo needs you!
As part of our plans to develop an area of our school for planting and growing food we need an army of green fingered volunteers, complete with shovels, to help us prepare the land! So far we have 4 volunteers and we are very grateful.
Please use the link sent last week to join the team for the Big Dig Day.
In association with Southwark Council we are supporting Fizz Free Feb.
This means encouraging children and adults to go fizz free and cut down on sugar consumption. Give it a go.
This week on the Dream School podcast…
Find out how Benedicte will be transforming the entire playground in her Dream School using Maglev