British values comes under the curriculum for social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) education. It underpins all aspects of the curriculum and school life.
You can read more about the way SMSC is implemented by reading our guidelines.
Anson is a multi-cultural school described by OFSTED as a 'village school in the United Nations of Brent' - we are naturally very proud of the mix of religions, ethnicities and need that makes our community. Below are some examples of how our school values are shared by the whole school.
The whole school community came together to raise awareness of the number of plastic bottles filling up the oceans of the world. You can watch our film below.
By 2050 the oceans of the world will be so full of plastic that the fish may be outnumbered! That's outrageous! So as part of a whole community project, Anesa, Kadijah, Grace, Sherae, Diya and Katie made a documentary about what you could do with the plastic bottles and why it's important to reduce, reuse and recycle.
The children do a lot of charity work each year. This image is the collection of food and household materials donated to the Brent Food Bank this year.
The School Council is elected democratically in a first past the post system. There are two children represented in each class from Reception to Year 6.
Our front entrance is always being updated. For example it has been a place to celebrate Chinese New Year, Diwali, Easter or Armistice Day. At each event every child creates something for the front of school display.
We celebrate good behaviour at the school by giving the children a chance to choose a prize if they have remained 'on gold' for the term. The assemblies are a way to show our appreciation for their hard work and focus in school.
We also share our work globally with other educators. The children have a voice and we want to give them the platform to share their ideas. This video is one of our most successful films and promotes a safe approach to a life online.
Anson Primary School contacted the people behind the video 'Dumb Ways To Die' and asked if they could use the backing track and concept to write a parody for an e-safety campaign in the school.
We celebrated the Queen's Jubilee, which came at the same time as Anson's Jubilee. Both the Queen and Anson began their roles in 1952.