The Intent
Anson Primary School has been likened to "a village school in the United Nations of Brent." This quote, given to an Ofsted inspector by a parent, reflects the diversity which exists in our community. As such we are a school that encourages collaboration, respect and joy across our religious groups. This ensure children are happy in the community, confident to express their views and opinions and in a position to share the creativity around their festivals.
We believe that Religious Education helps to develop all aspects of the child as an holistic point of view. As such we aim to:
- develop an awareness of spiritual and moral issues
- develop knowledge and understanding of major world religions in our community and beyond
- have an understanding of what it means to be part of a religious tradition or belief system
- learn and be able to understand religious traditions
- have respect for other people’s views, and to celebrate diversity in society.
- learn from and about religion and belief systems.
The Implementation
- Religious Education is taught throughout the year, with special attention at times of celebration to join the community together.
- Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways ensuring that all children can access and participate in lessons.
- Opportunities are taken to share knowledge and understanding of R.E. in assemblies and through themed events, i.e. Black History Month.
- Children visit places of worship and members of faith groups visit our school.
- All of these experiences develop and build on previously taught skills and knowledge and help further develop understanding of the faith being studied.
The Impact
- Children know about other religions, beliefs and practices and why people do things in a certain way.
- Children have respect, understanding and compassion towards all people.
- Anson is stronger due to the tolerance, respect and enjoyment of our diverse community.
- Children are happy and confident to share their experiences of religion, highlight the creativity around festivals and live a full and happy life as a member of an active community.