“Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.”
National Curriculum 2014
- Pupils will develop the confidence to take risk and be able to adapt their plans and ideas to suit a specific purpose.
- To inspire pupils to be creative thinkers who have an appreciation for product design, creation and evaluation.
- To allow pupils the opportunity to reflect and evaluate changes they have or would make.
- To encourage pupils to become resources and enterprising so that they are able to use their skills to contribute to future design advancements.
- To ensure children are aware of relevant health and safety for tasks undertaken.
Our DT curriculum has three main stages, design, make and evaluate. For each stage the children will develop their technological knowledge. The children will cover the following strands:
- Mechanisms
- Structure
- Textiles
- Cooking and nutrition
- Electrical systems (ks2)
Teachers ensure that the children apply their knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning and making products and then evaluating them. Cross curricular links will be made where appropriate. Within lessons, we give children the opportunity both to work on their own and to collaborate with others, listening to other children’s ideas and treating these with respect. Children critically evaluate existing products, their own work and that of others. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and resources, including ICT.
- Children are able to express themselves through art and be able to justify their views and opinions on other people’ designs.
- Children will have clear enjoyment and confidence in design and technology that they will then apply to other areas of the curriculum.
- Children will understand the function and properties for a range of materials and resources.
- Children will understand the principles of healthy eating, diets and recipes.
- Children a be able to self-evaluate and identify areas for improvements.
Design and Technology Curriculum 2024-2025